

Gets all the elements from the database.

Returns: All the elements in the database.


Clears all elements from the database.

Returns: Promise<undefined> — Returns undefined


Deletes an element from the database by key.


The key(s) of the element to remove from the database.

Returns:true if the element(s) is deleted successfully, otherwise false.

await db.set('foo', 'bar'); // true
await db.delete('foo'); // true
await db.delete(['foo', 'fizz']); // [ true, false ]

.ensure(key, value, path=null)Promise<any|undefined>

Ensures if an element exists in the database. If the element does not exist, sets the element to the database and returns the value.


The key of the element to ensure.

  • value : *

    • Required*

The value of the element to ensure.

Returns: Promise<any | undefined> — The (default) value of the element.


await db.set('dreamy', 'db');
const data = await db.ensure('foo', 'bar');

console.log(data); // 'bar'

const data = await db.ensure('dreamy', 'db');
console.log(data); // 'db'

.find(fn, thisArg=undefined)Promise<*|undefined>

Finds a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. Behaves like The database elements is mapped by their key. If you want to find an element by key, you should use the get method instead. See MDN for more details.


The function to execute on each value in the element.

  • thisArg : *

    • Default: undefined

Object to use as this inside callback.

Returns: Promise<*|undefined> — The first element in the database that satisfies the provided testing function. Otherwise undefined is returned


await db.set('foo', 'bar');
await db.set('profile', {
  id: 1234567890,
  username: 'user',
  verified: true,
  nil: null,
  hobbies: ['programming']

await db.find(v => v === 'bar'); // { key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }
await db.find(v => v.verified === true); // { key: 'profile', value: { ... } }
await db.find(v => v.desc === 'desc'); // undefined

.get(key, path=null)Promise<*|undefined>

Gets the value of an element from the database by key.


The key of the element to get.

The path of the property to get from the value.

Returns: Promise<*|undefined> — The value of the element, or undefined if the element cannot be found in the database.


const data = await db.get('foo');
console.log(data); // 'bar'

// Using path feature
await db.get('profile', 'verified'); // false

.has(key, path=null)Promise<boolean>

Checks whether an element exists in the database or not.


The key of an element to check for.

The path of the property to check.

Returns: Promise<boolean>true if the element exists in the database, otherwise false.


Returns an array that contains the keys of each element.

Returns: — An array that contains the keys of each element.

.math(key, operation, operand, path=null)true

Performs a mathematical operation on a value of an element.


The key of the element.

The mathematical operation to perform.

The right-hand operand.

The path of the property to perform mathematical operation on.

Returns: true


db.set('dreamy', 200);
db.math('dreamy', 'add', 200); // true

.multi(names, options=DreamyOptions)Object

Creates multiple instances of Dreamy-db.


An array of strings. Each element will create new instance.

The options for the instances.

Returns: Object — An object containing created Dreamy-db instances.


const db = Dreamy.multi(['users', 'members']);
const db = Dreamy.multi(['users', 'members'], {
    uri: 'sqlite://test.sqlite',
    namespace: 'Mydb'
await db.users.set('foo', 'bar');
await db.members.set('bar', 'foo');

The options the database was instantiated with.

.push(key, value, path=null, allowDuplicates=false)Promise<*>

Pushes an item to the array value in the database.


The key of the element to push to.

  • value : *

    • Required*

The value to push.

The path of the property of the value to push.

  • allowDuplicates : boolean

    • Default: false

Whether or not, allow duplicates elements in the value.

Returns: Promise<*> — The value to push.

.remove(key, value, path=null)Promise<*>

Removes an item from the array value of an element in the database.

structured or complex data types such as arrays or objects cannot be removed from the value of the element.


The key of the element to remove.

  • value : *

    • Required*

The value to remove. Must be a string.

The path of the property to remove.

Returns: Promise<*> — The value to remove.

.set(key, value, path=null)Promise<true>

Sets an element to the database.


The key of the element to set to the database.

  • value : *

    • Required*

The value of the element to set to the database.

The path of the property to set in the value.

Returns: Promise<true> — Returns true.


// setting values
await db.set('foo', 'bar');

// In number
await db.set('total', 400);

// in Boolean
await db.set('exists', false);

// in Object
await db.set('profile', {
  id: 1234567890,
  username: 'user',
  verified: true,
  nil: null

// In Array
await db.set('todo', [ 'Add a authentication system.', 'Refactor the generator' ]);

// Boolean, String
await db.set('profile', false, 'verified');

// Number, String
await db.set('profile', 100, 'balance');


Returns an array that contains the values of each element.

Returns: — Array that contains the values of each element.

Last updated

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